Maintaing safety of international commerce and financial services from risks presented by illegal assets and other criminal abuse is undoubtedly in the public interest. It is thus in the public interest to highlight specific risks relating to assets and individuals. The role of LegallyToxic is to enable anyone dealing with highlighted assets and persons to make extra checks and stay safe.
LegallyToxic is about highlighting risk. Risk is not a fact, but a probability that a fact took or will take place. Consequently, if our user says that risk exists in relation to a person or an asset, it is an expression of opinion and not a statement of fact. Expression of opinion is protected by free speech provisions in most democratic legal systems.
Risk is all about probability. Saying that an asset is risky (‘legally toxic’) is an opinion on the likelyhood of negative consequences. We stress that LegallyToxic is an opinion sharing platform.
If you believe that a user of LegallyToxic has got facts wrong, please use the provided option to report this to us. If you would like to contact the author and request the correction of the posted opinion, this is also possible through our platform.